User talk:Senrabdet

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Getting Flash sound to work with Vserver and X2go

We had some problems getting sound to work for things like YouTube on a Vserver guest where we connect to the guest remotely via X2go (Debian Squeeze running on a Debian Squeeze host). In our current iteration, x2go server is running only on the guests, not the hosts.

After uninstalling Ice Weasel and installing Firefox, we installed flash (vserver $VserverNameVar exec apt-get install -y flashplugin-nonfree) where $VserverNameVar was the name of our Vserver.

We would then connect to the "Guest" which runs x2go server from a client machine running the x2go client. We got odd results, as the sound for things like mp3's stored on the guest would work as desired, but sound for YouTube or Pandora would come out of the Vserver guest/host machine, not the x2go client (i.e., no sound would come out of the client).

By installing pulseaudio in the Guest Vserver (vserver $VserverNameVar exec apt-get install -y pulseaudio), the sound issue was resolved